Posted on : 09 Oct 2024

Mélissa Macalli, a BPH young researcher awarded the L’Oréal-UNESCO 2024 Young Talent Prize


The L’Oréal Foundation and UNESCO have announced the winners of the prestigious 2024 L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science France Young Talents prizes which rewards young scientific researchers every year. One of the 35 winners is Mélissa Macalli, currently post-doctoral researcher in the BPH’s HEALTHY team, who has already had a great career particulary in her […]

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Posted on : 04 Oct 2024

Hope in the fight against HIV: prophylactic vaccine candidate shows encouraging results


This innovative vaccine candidate called CD40.HIVRI.Env, demonstrated its safety and ability to induce a rapid and durable immune response in the phase I ANRS VRI06 clinical trial .   image : pexels-ron-lach-9893851   This result is the outcome of a collaborative research project between the Vaccine Research Institute (VRI), of Inserm, Université Paris-Est Créteil, […]

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Les actualités BPH
Posted on : 03 Oct 2024

Awards for the 3rd edition of the BPH Young Researchers’ Scientific Day


3rd Edition of the BPH Young Researchers’ Scientific Day, The BPH has organised for the third time in its history an exceptional day entirely dedicated to the new generation of public health scientists.  Consult the full Program     This day highlighted the talent of the young doctoral and post-doctoral researchers from our research center. […]

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Les actualités BPH
Posted on : 01 Oct 2024

The Direction Générale de la Santé awarded the 2024 Thesis Prize ‘Public Health Policies and Interventions’ to Jeanne NEUFFER


Jeanne NEUFFER has just been awarded a thesis prize by the Direction Générale de la Santé for her work on nutrition, lifestyle and the prevention of brain ageing.   The winners of the 2nd Thesis Prize with Grégory Emery, Director General of Health   Retour Congratulations to Jeanne NEUFFER, who has just been awarded the […]

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Posted on : 27 Sep 2024

Soutenances de thèses de doctorat dans les équipes du BPH en septembre 2024


Environ 20 à 30 thèses sont soutenues chaque année par les doctorantes et doctorants dans les équipes du BPH. La soutenance, sauf avis contraire, est publique. Le mémoire de thèse est accessible sur le site   En septembre 2024 ont soutenu :   Madame Rania ABDELGHANI Sciences cognitives et Ergonomie – Option Sciences Cognitives […]

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Les actualités BPH
Posted on : 12 Jul 2024

Official launch of the VBHI (Vascular Brain Health Institute) university hospital institute
Centre Broca Nouvelle-Aquitaine – Campus Carreire


Official launch of the VBHI (Vascular Brain Health Institute)university hospital institute Thurday 11 July – 14h Amphithéâtre Centre Broca Nouvelle-Aquitaine Bordeaux Neurocampus The VBHI (Vascular Brain Health Institute) university hospital institute will be officially launched on Thursday, July 11 in the presence of the scientific teams involved, founding member institutions and partners. This will be […]

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Les actualités BPH
Posted on : 10 Jul 2024

Launch of the GLYCAGEST project on new glycation markers


Launch of the GLYCAGEST project on new glycation markers Bordeaux University Hospital and the LEHA team have launched the GLYCAGEST project on new glycation markers, skin autofluorescence and glycated albumin. Gestational diabetes is associated with an increased risk of macrosomia (birth weight ≥ 4 kg or ≥ 90th percentile for gestational age) and maternal-fetal complications. […]

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Posted on : 08 Jul 2024

The BPH YearBook 2023 is available !


The BPH YearBook 2023 is available ! The new version of BPH YearBook 2023 is now available. You can view or download it here!

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Les actualités BPH
Posted on : 24 Jun 2024

Emmanuel Lagarde, President of the New Expert Committee at the Conseil National de Sécurité Routière (CNSR)


Emmanuel Lagarde, President of the New Expert Committee at the Conseil National de Sécurité Routière (CNSR) Emmanuel Lagarde, Research Director at Inserm in epidemiology within the AHeAD team, has taken the presidency of the new expert committee at the Conseil National de Sécurité Routière (CNSR). Following the call for applications launched on December 4, 2023, […]

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Posted on : 18 Jun 2024

Video presentation of the Macu-Life project


Video presentation of the Macu-Life project Evaluation of the relationship between our lifestylesand the development of Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) As part of its “Paroles de lauréats” series, the health program of AXA Mutuals’ sponsorship created a video featuring Bénédicte Merle, the project manager of Macu-Life.In the video, the researcher presents the specific features of […]

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Posted on : 11 Jun 2024

laureate of the 2024 selection of the Institut Universitaire de France (IUF)


Hélène AMIEVA lauréate de la sélection 2024 de l’Institut universitaire de France IUF The BPH is proud to announce that Hélène AMIEVA, researcher and director of the ACTIVE team, is a laureate of the 2024 selection of the Institut Universitaire de France (IUF) in the category of fundamental chair, starting from October 1, 2024, for […]

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Posted on : 04 Jun 2024

4th edition of the InScience festival (May 27 to June 9, 2024)
& Portrait of Cecilia Samieri


4th edition of the InScience festival& Portrait of Cecilia Samieri The 4th edition of the InScience festival, programmed each year by Inserm, takes place from May 27 to June 9, 2024. An opportunity to discover the portrait of Cecilia Samieri, Inserm research director specializing in the epidemiology of cerebral aging and public health, at the […]

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Posted on : 28 May 2024

Young Researcher Award for Ilana Caro at the 10th European Stroke Organisation (SEO) Conference


Young Researcher Award for Ilana Caroat the 10th European Stroke Organisation (SEO) Conference Ilana Caro, PhD student in the ELEANOR team, was awarded the Young Researcher Prize at the 10th European Stroke Organisation (SEO) Conference held in Basel from May 15-17, 2024. The study Ilana Caro is working on focuses on small cerebral vessel disease […]

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Posted on : 13 May 2024

Video on the “Wakobo Ti Kodro” project
– Improving the care of high-risk pregnancies in the Central African Republic


Video on the “Wakobo Ti Kodro” project Improving the care of high-risk pregnanciesin the Central African Republic On the occasion of the International Day of the Midwife on May 5th, the international medical NGO ALIMA (The Alliance for International Medical Action), in partnership with the GHiGS team, shared a video on the research project “Wakobo […]

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Posted on : 29 Apr 2024

Launch of CAP Digital Health within the framework of the call for expressions of interest “Skills and Future Professions”


Launch of CAP Digital Healthwithin the framework of the call for expressions of interest“Skills and Future Professions” Three winning projects from the university within the call for expressions of interest “Skills and Future Professions” were launched on Tuesday, April 9th. One of these projects is CAP Digital Health led by Rodolphe THIEBAUT (Director of BPH); […]

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