Posted on : 08 Jul 2024

The BPH YearBook 2023 is available !


The BPH YearBook 2023 is available ! The new version of BPH YearBook 2023 is now available. You can view or download it here!

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Les actualités BPH
Posted on : 02 Feb 2024

Interdisciplinary observatory on digital technologies for surveillance in democracy


RIE 2023 The Interdisciplinary observatory on digital technologies for surveillance in democracy co coordinated by Gayo Diallo, deputy director of the BPH AHEAD team have been selected by the University of Bordeaux as interdisciplinary and exploratory research projects. The Observatoire de la surveillance en démocratie aims to monitor and catalogues techniques used by both private […]

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Posted on : 18 Dec 2023

ACTIVE Ph.D students in the spotlights


ACTIVE Ph.D students in the spotlights Thesis defenses in 2023: Marion PECH defended her PhD thesis in Psychology on March 17 (title: Detection of risky situations in daily life among frail elderly people using artificial intelligence methods: testing of a device in the general population) supervised by Helene Amieva & Jenny Benois-Pineau. Sophie ARHEIX-PARRAS defended […]

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Posted on : 20 Nov 2023

Creation of SO-RISP, a national network dedicated to intervention research in population health, particularly in the fields of cancer and addiction prevention.


MéRISP et IPREV: Creation of SO-RISP, a national network dedicated to intervention research in population health, particularly in the fields of cancer and addiction prevention. Within the PHARes (Population Health trAnslational Research) team of the BPH (Bordeaux Population Health – INSERM U1219), the two research areas MéRISP (Méthodes de recherche interventionnelle pour la santé des […]

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Posted on : 12 Oct 2023

Publication of the results of a genomic study of cervical artery dissection in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology by ELEANOR team & CADISP consortium


Publication of the results of a genomic study of cervical artery dissection in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology by ELEANOR team & CADISP consortium Cervical artery dissection is a major cause of ischemic stroke in young adults. It involves bleeding into the wall of the carotid or vertebral arteries, which “tears” the […]

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Posted on : 30 May 2023

The BPH and its partners win the “France 2030 plan” call for projects
with the creation of a University Hospital Institute (UHI)
on vascular and cerebral health in Bordeaux


Mr Yann Bubien (CHU Bordeaux), Mrs Hélène Jacquet (INRIA), Mrs Stéphanie Debette (BPH), Mr Dean Lewis (bordeaux University), Mr Rodolphe Thiebault (BPH), Mr Rémi Slama (ITMO) – © Yann Bubien The BPH and its partners win the “France 2030 plan” call for projects with the creation of a University Hospital Institute (UHI) on vascular and […]

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Les actualités BPH
Posted on : 03 May 2023

Young BPH researchers create the association “Blooming members of Bordeaux Population Health” (BBPH)


Members of the association’s board Young BPH researchers create the association “Blooming members of Bordeaux Population Health” (BBPH) Young researchers at the BPH Center have joined together to form an associative organization Loi 1901. Objectives The objective of this association is to promote the integration of young researchers in the center, to create cohesion among […]

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Les actualités BPH
Posted on : 31 Jan 2023

New Macu-Life Project: Evaluation of the relationship between our lifestyles and the development of AMD


Macu-Life : Exposome du mode de vie et risque de dégénérescence maculaire liée à l’âge dans la cohorte E3N Le projet « Macu-Life » ambitionne de contribuer à l’évaluation des relations entre nos modes de vie et le développement de la dégénérescence maculaire liée à l’âge (DMLA) dans un objectif de mise en œuvre de […]

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Posted on : 21 Dec 2022

Seasons greetings to you all


Wishing you happy holidays and all the best for a joyful and successful new year !!!

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Les actualités BPH
Posted on : 19 Apr 2022

Premier Happy Hour de la recherche en Pharmacie


Évènement UFR Sciences Pharmaceutiques – 8 Mars 2022 Afin de faire découvrir aux étudiants en pharmacie la diversité de la recherche dans cette spécialité la première édition du Happy Hour de la Recherche 2022 a été organisée en soirée du 8 mars dernier à l’UFR Odontologie. Maitre de conférences et membre de l’équipe AHEAD du […]

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Posted on : 08 Apr 2022

Exposition solaire professionnelle et santé de la peau et des yeux : le projet EXPOLUX


Le 2 décembre dernier, notre équipe LEHA a lancé le projet EXPOLUX, avec le soutien de la Fondation Bordeaux Université. Bravo aux responsables scientifiques Audrey COUGNARD-GREGOIRE et Cécile DELCOURT. La peau et les yeux sont les principaux organes cibles d’une exposition aigue et prolongée aux rayonnement ultraviolets (UV) solaires. Les affections majeures voire irréversibles touchant […]

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Nos actualités
Posted on : 30 Jun 2021

AMD: a blood biomarker to assess diet-related risk


LEHA team in collaboration with INRAE, Jean-Monnet Saint-Etienne University, ITERG, CHU Dijon Bourgogne, CHU de Bordeaux has identified a blood biomarker that predicts the retinal content of omega-3 fatty acids. This biomarker would allow early identification of people at risk of developing AMD, before detection by ophthalmological exams. Once identified, people at risk could receive […]

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Nos actualités
Posted on : 25 Jun 2021

What are the benefits of Lutein in the prevention of AMD?


LEHA team has just published in the journal Nutrients the results of a study conducted on the Alienor cohort, reporting a decreased risk of developing AMD in participants with high plasma lutein levels. Nutritional biomarkers could be useful to identify individuals with a deficient nutritional status for AMD. For more information: https://www.mdpi.com/2072-6643/13/6/2047 Inserm press release: […]

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Nos actualités
Posted on : 16 Jun 2021

Using Artificial Intelligence to Predict Suicidal Behaviors in Students


How do we predict suicide risk in students? This is a pertinent issue at a time when the harmful effects of the health crisis on student mental health are becoming increasingly apparent and the importance of early detection and management of this risk is well-known. Researchers of our HEALTHY and SISTM teams in collaboration with […]

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Nos actualités
Posted on : 22 May 2020

CONFINS – the new study of the HEALTHY team


This collaborative research project focuses on the impact of SRAS-CoV2 and lockdown on mental health in general population and students in France. Launched in April by the HEALTHY team, Kappa Santé and the start-up Kap Code, this e-cohort has already more than 2.700 French participants including over than 1.600 students. The main objective of CONFINS […]

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