Posted on : 11 Jun 2024

laureate of the 2024 selection of the Institut Universitaire de France (IUF)


Hélène AMIEVA lauréate de la sélection 2024 de l’Institut universitaire de France IUF The BPH is proud to announce that Hélène AMIEVA, researcher and director of the ACTIVE team, is a laureate of the 2024 selection of the Institut Universitaire de France (IUF) in the category of fundamental chair, starting from October 1, 2024, for […]

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Posted on : 28 May 2024

Young Researcher Award for Ilana Caro at the 10th European Stroke Organisation (SEO) Conference


Young Researcher Award for Ilana Caroat the 10th European Stroke Organisation (SEO) Conference Ilana Caro, PhD student in the ELEANOR team, was awarded the Young Researcher Prize at the 10th European Stroke Organisation (SEO) Conference held in Basel from May 15-17, 2024. The study Ilana Caro is working on focuses on small cerebral vessel disease […]

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Posted on : 02 Oct 2023

Two researchers, Marie POISEUIL and Mélissa MACALLI, have just been honoured by the Directorate-General for Health for their thesis


From left: Guillaume CROZET (Special “One Health” prize), Salam ABBARA (3rd prize), Dr Grégory Emery (Director General of Health-Chairman of the Jury), Mélissa MACALLI (2nd prize), Marie POISEUIL (1st prize) – ©Ministères sociaux/ DICOM /Philémon Henry / Sipa Two researchers, Marie POISEUIL and Mélissa MACALLI, have just been honoured at the Ministry of Health and […]

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Les actualités BPH
Posted on : 02 Jan 2023

More than 3 M€ for our project UB 2030 CAP Digital Health labellized by the call AMI CMA “Skills and future professions” of the 2030 France national plan


This new project coordinated by Rodolphe Thiébaut leader of the BPH’s SISTM team, is part of the 70 awarded of the second call for expression of interest AMI CMA 2022. The ambition is to offer innovative training schemes in the field of digital health. The project UB 2030 CAP Digital Health  brings together a large […]

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Posted on : 17 Nov 2022

Soufiane Ajana from our LEHA team has been selected by Microsoft to join a development programme


  We are proud of the RetiNet startup, a spin-off of the Bordeaux Population Health Research Center laboratory, which has been selected by Microsoft to join the Microsoft for Startups Founders Hub program! This award represents a unique opportunity for this deeptech startup to gain access to personalized mentoring and valuable resources (up to $150,000 […]

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Posted on : 10 Nov 2022

Palmarès 2022 des Prix Jeunes Chercheurs du BPH


3 prix ont été remis au cours de la Journée des Jeunes chercheurs du BPH qui s’est tenue le vendredi 7 octobre 2022 à Pessac. Ces prix sous forme de bourses de mobilité viennent récompenser la qualité des orateurs parmi les 30 candidats doctorants et post-doctorants des équipes de recherche du Centre. Cette première édition […]

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Les actualités BPH
Posted on : 07 Oct 2022

Prix ISEE Laure Gayraud Doctorante


The BPH and LEHA team congratulate Laure Gayraud, PhD student in epidemiology, for the ISEE International Society for Environmental Epidemiology – Prize for the “Best Student Abstract and Young Researcher” last september in Athens. This prize rewards for the presentation at the 34th Annual Congress of her work on the associations between air pollution exposure […]

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