Posted on : 02 Mar 2024

Conference by Hagen Tilgner
from Weill Cornell School of Medical Sciences
Louis Amphi – Isped


SCIENTIFIC SEMINAR Understanding splicing and isoform regulation across cell types,brain regions, postnatal development and species-or- single-cell isoforms in time and space 12h Louis Amphi – Isped Campus Carreire – Université de Bordeaux Open to all, in person & videoconference Speaker: Hagen Tilgner, PhD Associate Professor The Feil Family Brain and Mind Research Institute Weill Cornell […]

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Les actualités BPH
Posted on : 28 Feb 2024

Infectious diseases axis
March 2024 Program


Public Health Seminars INFECTIOUS DISEASES AXIS Program for March Days, Times & location Every FRIDAY from 12h15 to 13h15 Amphi Louis – ISPED Program Friday 08 March 2024 Edouard LHOMME, SISTM, BPH “METHODOLOGICAL INSIGHTS and LESSONS LEARNED FROM COVERAGE FRANCE PLATFORM TRIAL – The French national platform trial for outpatient treatment against COVID-19” Laura RICHERT, […]

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Posted on : 20 Feb 2024

Bordeaux Summer Schools
Public health, economics, political science
– Africa’s populations by 2050


Public health, economics, political science Bordeaux Summer SchoolsAfrica’s populations by 2050 The University of Bordeaux is pleased to announce, within the framework of its Bordeaux Summer Schools, the launch of the following online programme this summer: Africa’s populations by 2050. Taking place from June 24th to June 28th 2024, this online summer school is open […]

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Posted on : 15 Feb 2024

Launch of the ANR BIOMAC project on blood biomarkers for age-related macular degeneration


From left: Vanessa LELEVRIER, Delphine PELLÉ, Stéphane GREGOIRE, Bénédicte MERLE, Caroline PELTIER,Fleur CHAUMET, Barbara LE BOT, Cécile DELCOURT, Niyazi ACAR – Launch meeting on 02/01/2024 in Paris Launch of the ANR BIOMAC projecton blood biomarkers for age-related macular degeneration With the support of the ANR, the LEHA team is launching the BIOMAC project on blood […]

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Posted on : 14 Feb 2024

Can nutritional supplementation also improve vaccination coverage?


Can nutritional supplementation also improve vaccination coverage? Does access to nutritional supplements to prevent child malnutrition also improve immunisation coverage among these children in sub-Saharan Africa? Methodological reflections on the study design best suited to the context of humanitarian crises. The GHiGS team (Inserm/IRD/University of Bordeaux) has been working for 8 years now with the […]

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Posted on : 12 Feb 2024

Press Release: Air pollution and retinal neurodegeneration in residents of Bordeaux


Press Release Air pollution and retinal neurodegeneration in residents of Bordeaux In a ten-year follow-up study of a cohort of 683 elderly people from Bordeaux, published in the journal Environmental Research, researchers from the BPH found accelerated thinning of the retinal nerve fibre layer in people with greater exposure to air pollution, particularly those with […]

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Posted on : 07 Feb 2024

Covid-19 : Etude de l’efficacité des mesures instaurées contre le virus en France


Covid-19 : Etude de l’efficacité des mesures instaurées contre le virus en France Des chercheurs de l’université et du CHU de Bordeaux, de l’Inserm et d’Inria publient des estimations sur l’efficacité des mesures restrictives (confinement, couvre-feu…) et de la politique vaccinale à partir d’une modélisation mathématique des données françaises. Ces résultats sont publiés dans la […]

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Posted on : 02 Feb 2024

Interdisciplinary observatory on digital technologies for surveillance in democracy


RIE 2023 The Interdisciplinary observatory on digital technologies for surveillance in democracy co coordinated by Gayo Diallo, deputy director of the BPH AHEAD team have been selected by the University of Bordeaux as interdisciplinary and exploratory research projects. The Observatoire de la surveillance en démocratie aims to monitor and catalogues techniques used by both private […]

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Posted on : 25 Jan 2024

Aging & Resilience Axis
January 2024


Public Health Seminars AGING & RESILIENCE AXIS Program for January 2024 Days & Times Every FRIDAY from 12h15 to 13h15 Program Friday 12 January 2024 – Louis Amphi – ISPED & Videoconference Hélène Sauzeon (ACTIVE Team), Professor of Cognitive Sciences “Digital technology to support healthy aging: Researches on smart home and computerized cognitive training.” ———— […]

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Les actualités BPH
Posted on : 18 Dec 2023

ACTIVE Ph.D students in the spotlights


ACTIVE Ph.D students in the spotlights Thesis defenses in 2023: Marion PECH defended her PhD thesis in Psychology on March 17 (title: Detection of risky situations in daily life among frail elderly people using artificial intelligence methods: testing of a device in the general population) supervised by Helene Amieva & Jenny Benois-Pineau. Sophie ARHEIX-PARRAS defended […]

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Posted on : 18 Dec 2023

Une nouvelle étude éclaircit le lien entre les symptômes de TDAH pendant l’enfance et plusieurs comorbidités médicales non psychiatriques


Le TDAH (ADHD en anglais) se manifeste par des niveaux élevés d’inattention et/ou d’agitation et d’impulsivité. © Adobe Stock Une nouvelle étude éclaircit le lien entre les symptômes de TDAHpendant l’enfance et plusieurs comorbidités médicales non psychiatriques Le trouble du déficit de l’attention avec ou sans hyperactivité (TDAH) touche de nombreux enfants et s’accompagne souvent […]

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Posted on : 24 Nov 2023

4th “Music for the Brain” concert and conference to support the launch of the Institute for Global and Precision Vascular Brain Health


4th “Music for the Brain” concert and conference to support the launch of the Institute for Global and Precision Vascular Brain Health The 4th Music for the Brain Concert & Conference took place on Saturday 25 November 2023 at the Institut Culturel Bernard Magrez, in Bordeaux. This new edition was dedicated to supporting the launch […]

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Les actualités BPH
Posted on : 20 Nov 2023

Creation of SO-RISP, a national network dedicated to intervention research in population health, particularly in the fields of cancer and addiction prevention.


MéRISP et IPREV: Creation of SO-RISP, a national network dedicated to intervention research in population health, particularly in the fields of cancer and addiction prevention. Within the PHARes (Population Health trAnslational Research) team of the BPH (Bordeaux Population Health – INSERM U1219), the two research areas MéRISP (Méthodes de recherche interventionnelle pour la santé des […]

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Posted on : 18 Nov 2023

-Le pouvoir du leadership pour renforcer les systèmes de santé


COURS EUROPÉEN DE LEADERSHIP EN SANTÉ PUBLIQUE DE L’OMS Le pouvoir du leadership pour renforcer les systèmes de santé Du 13 au 24 novembre 2023 La deuxième édition du « Cours européen de leadership en santé publique de l’OMS » a eu lieu du 13 au 24 novembre 2023 à Bordeaux. Co-développé cette année par […]

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Les actualités BPH
Posted on : 16 Nov 2023

BIOSTATISTICS SEMINAR : Optimal control for parameter estimation in partially observed hypoelliptic stochastic differential equations used in neuronal modeling
– Quentin CLAIRON


BIOSTATISTICS SEMINAR Optimal control for parameter estimation in partially observed hypoelliptic stochastic differential equations used in neuronal modeling 13h Nightingale Room- Isped Campus Carreire – Université de Bordeaux A joint work with Adeline LECLERCQ-SAMSON Open to all, in person, in English Speaker: Quentin CLAIRON University of Bordeaux, Inria Bordeaux Sud-Ouest, Inserm, Bordeaux Population Health Research […]

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