Aging, chronic diseases, technology, disability, and environment.
Université de Bordeaux – ISPED
146 rue Léo-Saignat
33076 BORDEAUX cedex
Most of the researches conducted within the ACTIVE team aim at studying:
- intrinsic capacities of individuals and environmental factors contributing to develop / maintain/ reduce functional capacity in the context of acute/chronic disease, disability, and/or old age; and
- innovative strategies based on the optimization of such factors. The team is composed of epidemiologists, psychologists, cognitive scientists, geriatricians, physical therapists, neurologists and a psychiatrist.
Research area
It investigates to what extent intrinsic capacity and environments contribute to develop / maintain / reduce functional ability. Functional trajectories associated with aging process are studied through a continuum distinguishing robustness, pre-frailty, frailty, and activity limitation.
We examine their determinants through a multidimensional approach considering intrinsic capacities (cognition, depression, sensory impairments, personality traits…) and environmental factors (family support, social network, (un)adapted home, professional assistance, digital technologies) that may influence the sequence and speed of functional deterioration.
The heterogeneity of these trajectories is explored in several prospective population-based and clinical studies (PAQUID, AMI, 3C, CONSTANCES, COGLOC…).
More recently, taking advantage of the ongoing cohort studies, the PA-COVID survey, set up very shortly after the first COVID-19 lockdown in France, aims at providing valuable knowledge on older adults’ social and psychological experiences of the COVID-19 crisis and its impact on cognitive, mental and functional health.
The second research axis coordinated by Hélène Sauzéon focuses on innovative strategies based on the optimization of individuals’ intrinsic capacity and/or environments.
As an example of strategies based on optimized environments, the French Alzheimer village is an experimental accommodation facility for older adults with Alzheimer’s disease built like a traditional village.
The team is currently conducting an ambitious multidimensional research program evaluating whether this innovative model is relevant compared to traditional nursing homes (see below). Other researches involve interventions relying on digital technologies.
They generally address two main health issues: rehabilitation access and patient agentivity (i.e., active role of the patient).
Key publications 2023
Bergua V, Blanchard C, Amieva H. Depression in Older Adults: Do Current DSM Diagnostic Criteria Really Fit? Clin Gerontol. 2023:1-38.
Boucaud-Maitre D, Letenneur L, Drame M, Taube-Teguo N, Dartigues J-F, Amieva H, Tabue-Teguo M. Comparison of mortality and hospitalizations of older adults living in residential care facilities versus nursing homes or the community. A systematic review. Plos One. 2023;18(5):e0286527.
Dartigues JF, Avila-Funes JA, Letenneur L, Meillon C, Helmer C, Amieva H, Peres K. Ten Years after the National Alzheimer’s Plan: Dementia Remains a Hidden Syndrome in France. J Prev Alzheimers Dis. 2023;10(3):600-6.
Goncalves S, Le Bourvellec M, Mandigout S, Duclos NC. Impact of Active Physiotherapy on Physical Activity Level in Stroke Survivors: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Stroke. 2023;54(12):3097-106.
Husky MM, Leon C, du Roscoat E, Vasiliadis H-M. Prevalence of past-year major depressive episode among young adults between 2005 and 2021: Results from four national representative surveys in France. J Affect Disord. 2023;342:192-200.
Krier D, de Boer B, Hiligsmann M, Wittwer J, Amieva H. Evaluation of Dementia-Friendly Initiatives, Small-Scale Homelike Residential Care, and Dementia Village Models: A Scoping Review. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2023;24(7):1020-7 e1.
Mazure CM, Husky MM, Pietrzak RH. Stress as a Risk Factor for Mental Disorders in a Gendered Environment. JAMA Psychiatry. 2023;80(11):1087-8.
Molina-Donoso M, Parrao T, Meillon C, Thumala D, Lillo P, Villagra R, Ibanez A, Cerda M, Zitko P, Amieva H, Slachevsky A. Assessing subjective cognitive decline in older adults attending primary health care centers: what question should be asked? J Clin Exp Neuropsychol. 2023;45(3):313-20.
Proust-Lima C, Saulnier T, Philipps V, Traon AP-L, Peran P, Rascol O, Meissner WG, Foubert-Samier A. Describing complex disease progression using joint latent class models for multivariate longitudinal markers and clinical endpoints. Stat Med. 2023;42(22):3996-4014.
Rouch I, Strippoli M-PF, Dorey J-M, Ranjbar S, Laurent B, von Gunten A, Preisig M. Psychiatric disorders, personality traits, and childhood traumatic events predicting incidence and persistence of chronic pain: results from the CoLaus|PsyCoLaus study. Pain. 2023;164(9):2084-92.
Last News
AwardsACTIVE Ph.D students in the spotlights
NewsGeneral Assembly of the ACTIVE team
EventsThe ACTIVE team celebrates the Village Landais Alzheimer Henri Emmanuelli annual festival
EventsLinking the European Alzheimer Villages: The ACTIVE team meets the Italian Alzheimer Village
FocusInvitation of Prof Sylvie Nadeau, physiotherapist at the Readaptation School of Montreal University
SeminarsLes têtes au football
Doctorant en sciences cognitives et intelligence artificielleAmievaHelene
Full Professor in Psychogerontology, Team leaderArheix ParrasSophie
PhD Student - ATERAuriacombeSophie
Maitre de conférences en PsychogérontologieBlanchardCécile
Doctorante en Psychologie de la SantéCASSOUDESALLEHélène
MCU-PH en Médecine Physique et de RéadaptationDartiguesJean-francois
de SezeMathieu
Doctorante en Sciences CognitivesDuclosNoémie
Maître de conférencesDupuyLucile
Maitre de conférences en Sciences CognitivesEstradeRachel
Psychologue clinicienneFoubert-SamierAlexandra
Post-doctorant en épidémiologieGlizeBertrand
Assistante de rechercheHebrardLouis
Doctorant en Psychologie de la SantéHernandez RuizVirgilio
PhD candidate / GeriatricianIzacMargaux
PhD studentJANOTAMathilde
PhD student in Clinical Psychology and PsychopathologyKoleckMichèle
Maître de conférences en psychologie de la santéKrierDamien
Doctoral studentLacourCorinne
Adjointe Administratiflaronzeflorian
Chargé de Recherche INSERMMazonCécile
Maitre de conférences en Sciences CognitivesMolina DonosoMatias
PhD CandidateMoucheboeufGeoffroy
Maître de conférencesPellayHermine
Post Doctorante en épidémiologie / oncogériatriePérès-BouchetKarine
Chargée de recherchePoissonPhilippe
Ingénieur d'études Inserm - Psychologue MscRascleNicole
Professeur de Psychologie de la santéRetuertoNoelia
Médecin PH en santé publiqueSAGEMarie Hélène
Assistante AdministrativeSaint-MartinHélène
Psychologue neuropsychologue, Doctorante en épidémiologieSaint-SuperyIsabeau
Doctorante en Sciences CognitivesSanteroPatrice
Doctorante en PsychogérontologieSimonYvanna
Doctorante en EpidémiologieSoritaEric
MCF associé -Chercheur associéTabue TeguoMaturin
Gestionnaire administrative et financièreWiartLaurent