Posted on : 12 Jul 2024

Official launch of the VBHI (Vascular Brain Health Institute) university hospital institute
Centre Broca Nouvelle-Aquitaine – Campus Carreire


Official launch of the VBHI (Vascular Brain Health Institute)university hospital institute Thurday 11 July – 14h Amphithéâtre Centre Broca Nouvelle-Aquitaine Bordeaux Neurocampus The VBHI (Vascular Brain Health Institute) university hospital institute will be officially launched on Thursday, July 11 in the presence of the scientific teams involved, founding member institutions and partners. This will be […]

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Les actualités BPH
Posted on : 10 Jul 2024

Launch of the GLYCAGEST project on new glycation markers


Launch of the GLYCAGEST project on new glycation markers Bordeaux University Hospital and the LEHA team have launched the GLYCAGEST project on new glycation markers, skin autofluorescence and glycated albumin. Gestational diabetes is associated with an increased risk of macrosomia (birth weight ≥ 4 kg or ≥ 90th percentile for gestational age) and maternal-fetal complications. […]

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Posted on : 29 Apr 2024

Launch of CAP Digital Health within the framework of the call for expressions of interest “Skills and Future Professions”


Launch of CAP Digital Healthwithin the framework of the call for expressions of interest“Skills and Future Professions” Three winning projects from the university within the call for expressions of interest “Skills and Future Professions” were launched on Tuesday, April 9th. One of these projects is CAP Digital Health led by Rodolphe THIEBAUT (Director of BPH); […]

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Posted on : 20 Feb 2024

Bordeaux Summer Schools
Public health, economics, political science
– Africa’s populations by 2050


Public health, economics, political science Bordeaux Summer SchoolsAfrica’s populations by 2050 The University of Bordeaux is pleased to announce, within the framework of its Bordeaux Summer Schools, the launch of the following online programme this summer: Africa’s populations by 2050. Taking place from June 24th to June 28th 2024, this online summer school is open […]

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Posted on : 15 Feb 2024

Launch of the ANR BIOMAC project on blood biomarkers for age-related macular degeneration


From left: Vanessa LELEVRIER, Delphine PELLÉ, Stéphane GREGOIRE, Bénédicte MERLE, Caroline PELTIER,Fleur CHAUMET, Barbara LE BOT, Cécile DELCOURT, Niyazi ACAR – Launch meeting on 02/01/2024 in Paris Launch of the ANR BIOMAC projecton blood biomarkers for age-related macular degeneration With the support of the ANR, the LEHA team is launching the BIOMAC project on blood […]

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Posted on : 24 Nov 2023

4th “Music for the Brain” concert and conference to support the launch of the Institute for Global and Precision Vascular Brain Health


4th “Music for the Brain” concert and conference to support the launch of the Institute for Global and Precision Vascular Brain Health The 4th Music for the Brain Concert & Conference took place on Saturday 25 November 2023 at the Institut Culturel Bernard Magrez, in Bordeaux. This new edition was dedicated to supporting the launch […]

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Les actualités BPH
Posted on : 25 Oct 2023

METHODS IN DATA SCIENCE SEMINAR: A replication crisis in methodological research?
Recent developments and remaining challenges towards reliable empirical evidence


Public Health Seminar METHODS IN DATA SCIENCE AXIS A replication crisis in methodological research?Recent developments and remaining challengestowards reliable empirical evidence 12h15 – 13h15 Louis Amphi- Isped Campus Carreire – Université de Bordeaux Open to all, no registration, videoconferencing only Speaker: Anne-Laure BOULESTEIX, PhD Institute for Medical Information Processing, Biometry, and Epidemiology, Munich, Germany More […]

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Les actualités BPH
Posted on : 25 Oct 2023

General Assembly of the ACTIVE team


General Assembly of the ACTIVE team The ACTIVE team held its General Assembly on October 23 and 24. On the program, discussion about achievements and prospects, and above all, the opportunity for the whole team to be together in a stimulating and friendly atmosphere.

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Posted on : 05 Oct 2023

The ACTIVE team celebrates the Village Landais Alzheimer Henri Emmanuelli annual festival


The ACTIVE team celebrates the Village Landais AlzheimerHenri Emmanuelli annual festival Since its opening in 2020, the ACTIVE team is conducting an evaluation of the Village Landais Henri Emmanuelli (Alzheimer Village), an innovative and experimental dementia friendly-facility, unique in France. The study involves a prospective follow up of the villagers, family caregivers and healthcare professionals […]

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Posted on : 03 Oct 2023

Winners of the 2nd BPH Young Researchers’ Day


Winners of the 2nd BPH Young Researchers’ Day The 2nd BPH Young Researchers’ Day took place on Monday 25 September at the Domaine du Haut Carré. Nearly 28 presentations were given over the course of the day in three main categories : Oral presentations Poster Blitz Thesis in 180 seconds A quiz also stimulated spectators […]

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Les actualités BPH
Posted on : 02 Oct 2023

Data science axis
October 2023 Program


Public Health Seminars DATA SCIENCE AXIS Program for October Days, Times & location Every FRIDAY from 12h15 to 13h15 Amphi Louis – ISPED Program Friday 06 October 2023 Research tales of gaps and links Marina BOUDIN (AHeaD) “The OREGANO knowledge graph for computational drug repurposing” Dylan Russon (AHeaD) “From Inconsistency to Precision: Cleaning Patient Movement […]

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Les actualités BPH
Posted on : 01 Sep 2023

2nd BPH Junior Researchers’ Day
25 SEPT – Agora Hall – Domaine du Haut Carré


2nd BPH Junior Researchers’ Day Monday 25 September 2023 From 9h to 17h Agora hall – Domaine du Haut Carré – Talence Back-to-school event! We’re delighted to give you a preview of the program for the next BPH Young Researchers’ Day.. PROGRAM 8.30 – 9.00   Reception of the participants 9.00 – 9.10   Stéphanie Debette […]

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Les actualités BPH
Posted on : 17 Mar 2023

CINEMA & ROUND TABLE EVENING: The factory of pandemics


The BPH Bordeaux Population Health, Isped as part of the events for its 25th anniversary and the Public Health Department of the university, organized in partnership with IRD an evening movie debate: The documentary film “The factory of pandemics” (2022) directed by Marie-Monique Robin with the participation of Juliette Binoche was screened on Wednesday, March […]

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Posted on : 03 Feb 2023

Renewal of the Franco-Ivorian scientific partnership between the PACCI Program in Abidjan and the GHiGS team in Bordeaux


Les Journées Scientifiques du programme de recherche ivoirien PACCI se sont tenues les lundi 23 et mardi 24 janvier 2023 à Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, avec pour thème : “Du SIDA aux maladies infectieuses émergentes : la recherche interdisciplinaire avance”. A l’occasion de ces journées, plusieurs institutions françaises et ivoiriennes se sont réunies pour renforcer leur […]

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Posted on : 02 Feb 2023

IPORA (Interdisciplinary Policy-Oriented Research on Africa) agreement signed in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire


Le Projet “Interdisciplinary Policy-Oriented Research on Africa” (IPORA) est un des 7 Grands Projets de Recherche (GPR) de l’Université de Bordeaux. L’accord de consortium a été signé ce mardi 24 janvier 2023 à Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire. Contact : Ida Viho  – ida.viho@u-bordeaux.fr Le projet IPORA reunit 4 Universités : l’Université de Bordeaux (France), l’Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny d’Abidjan […]

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