Population Health trAnslational Research

Université de Bordeaux, ISPED case 11
146 rue Léo-Saignat
33076 BORDEAUX cedex
The PHARes Team aims to improve our understanding of and act upon the greatest risks and threats to population health, representing a large share of morbidity and mortality as well as social determinants of health and healthcare expenditure.
Through this translational approach, We seek to reduce, the impact of these risks and treats (taking into account social and environmental inequalities, including inequalities in access to healthcare) by:
- Improving risks factors and inequalities measurement with real-world data and methods developed for and applied to observational studies and thus providing the evidence based for a critical building block for action.
- Developing innovative methods (observational and experimental) for the development and evaluation of complex population health interventions.
- Analysing of social and political processes underlying the unequal distribution of risks and health inequities in order to influence decision-making.
Research axis
The team works on five topics
1. Methods for population health intervention research (Linda Cambon)
This topic involves conducting research on research (meta-research) on concepts and methods for the evaluation of prevention and health promotion interventions. The questions cover all stages of the approach, from the development to the scaling up of an intervention,
2. Social determinants, migrations dynamics, environment & health (Stéphanie Vandentorren, Laurence Kotobi).
This research theme relies on a strong interdisciplinary convergence on the cross-cutting themes of social inequalities, deprived populations, environmental risks and their relation to population health and health inequalities. Our research questions address the following issues:
- Social determinants of maternal, child, sexual & reproductive health among vulnerable populations
- Health status and healthcare access of vulnerable populations.
- Innovative approaches to advance health and health equity in decision-making processes at territorial level.
2024 key publications
Bas A-C, Wittwer J. How competition play a role in dental pricing? A study on French medico-administrative and tax reports dataset. Health Policy. 2024;149:105149. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.healthpol.2024.105149
Beduchaud L, Celingant E, Faure C, Meunier M, Blanco-Cazeaux I. Do international medical graduates’ recruitment policies help to overcome healthcare shortage areas in developed countries? A systematic review. Health Policy. 2024;150:105190. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.healthpol.2024.105190
Bouteloup V, Pellegrin I, Dubois B, Chene G, Planche V, Dufouil C. Explaining the Variability of Alzheimer Disease Fluid Biomarker Concentrations in Memory Clinic Patients Without Dementia. Neurology. 2024;102(8):e209219. https://doi.org/10.1212/wnl.0000000000209219
Brugailleres P, Deguen S, Lioret S, Haidar S, Delamaire C, Counil E, Vandentorren S. Maternal employment characteristics as a structural social determinant of breastfeeding after return to work in the European Region: a scoping review. Int Breastfeed J. 2024;19(1):38. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13006-024-00643-y
Francis-Oliviero F, Constantinou P, Haneef R, Schwarzinger M, Gallay A, Rachas A, Alla F. The health state of France before COVID-19 pandemic between 1990 and 2019: an analysis of the Global Burden of Disease study 2019. Lancet Reg Health Eur. 2024;39:100848. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lanepe.2024.100848
Gedeon Achi F. Quand il faut qualifier le contexte : sur la généralisation dans les pratiques de développement. Mondes en développement. 2024;207(3):13-30. https://doi.org/10.3917/med.207.0013
Grasset L, Bouteloup V, Cacciamani F, Pellegrin I, Planche V, Chene G, Dufouil C, Memento study group. Associations Between Blood-Based Biomarkers and Cognitive and Functional Trajectories Among Participants of the MEMENTO Cohort. Neurology. 2024;102(9):e209307. https://doi.org/10.1212/wnl.0000000000209307
Haidar S, Richard E, Vaux S, Allaire C, Castor C, Levy Bruhl D, Mondeilh A, Vandentorren S. Factors associated with vaccine adherence among an underserved population: the adult Travellers in Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France. Eur J Public Health. 2024;34(1):163-9. https://doi.org/10.1093/eurpub/ckad203
Lesaine E, Francis F, Domecq S, Miganeh-Hadi S, Sevin F, Sibon I, Rouanet F, Pradeau C, Coste P, Cetran L, Vandentorren S, Saillour F. Social and clinical vulnerability in stroke and STEMI management during the COVID-19 pandemic: a registry-based study. BMJ Open. 2024;14(1):e073933. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2023-073933
Schwarzinger M, Ferreira-Borges C, Neufeld M, Alla F, Rehm J. Alcohol rehabilitation and cancer risk: a nationwide hospital cohort study in France. Lancet Public Health. 2024;9(7):e461-e9. https://doi.org/10.1016/S2468-2667(24)00107-5
Last News

A study into the state of French health before the Covid-19 pandemic is a key step towards a better understanding of its impact.
Creation of SO-RISP, a national network dedicated to intervention research in population health, particularly in the fields of cancer and addiction prevention.
Join the PHARes team of BPH research center on a junior professorship position on prevention of chronic diseases
Job & careersMembers
Ingénieur de rechercheBargerDiana
Post-doctoranteBennavides OcampoMarcela
Ingénieure en BiostatistiquesBikouraneNabil
Doctorant contractuelBoiletValerie
PharmD, MScBrandler-WeinrebJessica
Chercheuse en santé publiqueBurtinAdrianna
Pharmacien de santé publiqueCAMBONLinda
Enseignante - chercheuse, Professeur titulaire Chaire Prévention de l'ISPEDCharlesCecile
Chercheur associéeChenGengfan
Pharmacienne - Doctorante en santé publiqueClouetHéloïse
Assistante de gestion administrative et financièreColombaniFrançoise
PH Santé publique et médecine sociale - DoctoranteCouraletDelphine
Ingénieure de rechercheCRASSOUS Agnès
Doctorante contractuelleDelbos ben FarhatJihane
Doctorante/PhD StudentDomecqSandrine
Chargée d’études Statistiques, Qualité et RisquesDonzel GodinotLéo
Research directorEnoufValerie
Gestionnaire administrative et financièreFillolAmandine
Ingénieur d'étudesFrancis-OlivieroFlorence
Gedeon AchiFiona
Maîtresse de conférences en anthropologieGrassetLeslie
Post DoctoranteHessamfarMojgan
Data ManagerJOSEPHJean-Philippe
Directeur du Département de médecine généraleKABORERémi
PhD, Research IngeneerKotobiLaurence
Doctoral studentLamarqueSophie
AssistanteLe ScouarnecLisa
Épidémiologiste - BiostatisticienneLesaineEmilie
Médecin de santé publiqueMartin FernandezJudith
Ingénieure de rechercheMiganeh HadiSahal
Ingénieure statisticiennePerrinSarah
Chargée d'études statistiquesPIERRONAnnabelle
Maitre de Conférences associéeRatelRebecca
Coordinatrice de projetsRICHARDElodie
SF, Epidémiologiste, PhD studentRivadeneyra-SiciliaAna
Enseignante chercheuse associéeSaillour-GlenissonFlorence
Praticien HospitalierSambouCésarine
Ingénieure de rechercheSchwarzingerMichaël
MD, PhD - Médecin de santé publiqueScollardPhoebe
Ingénieur de rechercheSevinFloriane
Data EngineerSibéMatthieu
Maître de conférences en sciences de gestionSTEVENSNolwenn
Ingénieure d'étudesVandentorrenStephanie
Maitre de conférences en sciences EconomiquesVillemurAnne-Laure
Ingénieure d'étude - DoctoranteWittwerJerome
Post Doctorante