
CONFINS – the new study of the HEALTHY team


This collaborative research project focuses on the impact of SRAS-CoV2 and lockdown on mental health in general population and students in France.

Launched in April by the HEALTHY team, Kappa Santé and the start-up Kap Code, this e-cohort has already more than 2.700 French participants including over than 1.600 students.

The main objective of CONFINS is to evaluate the impact of the epidemic of coronavirus and its consequences on mental health. The study deals with different topics like stress, anxiety and depressive symptoms, studies and work condition organization, treatments, vaccines and fake news.

“Non-students” are encouraged to participate in order to make comparisons.

« Now everybody knows that psychological consequences of the epidemic and the lockdown on the population represent a potentially huge problem. This unprecedented situation modifies deeply people’s daily life and it could lead to social isolation. Some experts say that the second epidemic to come is psychological traumas and that we are not prepared to face it. It will probably turn out to be true when people will discover that life as we knew it before lockdown will not return. » says Christophe Tzourio

The CONFINS study is composed of a 1st questionnaire (20 min) and monthly questionnaires (5 min) in order to follow the evolution of the impact of the epidemic during 12 months.

More information: www.confins.org