
Invitation of Prof Sylvie Nadeau, physiotherapist at the Readaptation School of Montreal University


Invitation of Prof Sylvie Nadeau,
physiotherapist at the Readaptation School of Montreal University

Prof Sylvie Nadeau is full professor in physiotherapy teaching at the Readaptation School of Montreal University, and researcher at the Centre de Recherche Interdisciplinaire en Réadaptation (CRIR) and at the Institut universitaire sur la réadaptation en déficience physique de Montréal (IURDPM).

Prof Sylvie Nadeau was invited by Noémie Duclos and Eric Sorita from the ACTIVE team to participate in a work meeting where she gave a conference entitled “Mobility evaluation in healthy older adults and with physical impairments: Why and How?” She discussed the biomechanical aspects of the clinical mobility tests used in ACTIVE studies to gain understanding of factors influencing physical performances, and discussed the feasibility of using biomechanical sensors in real-setting studies.