Posted on : 28 Jun 2022

Classification des aliments selon leur degré de transformation: NOVA n’est pas aussi robuste qu’il n’y parait !


European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2022), article Open Access Bien que le système de classification NOVA en fonction de critères liés à la transformation des aliments soit largement utilisé, sa robustesse et ses fonctionnalités restent peu explorées. Cette étude, menée par une équipe de chercheurs dont Catherine Féart de l’équipe LEHA du BPH a déterminé […]

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Posted on : 20 Apr 2022

Les têtes au football


Une équipe de recherche française publie une série de données inédites sur une pratique pas si anodine pour la santé des joueurs.   Le Docteur Hélène Cassoudesalle et le Professeur Patrick Dehail, deux médecins hospitalo-universitaires au CHU et à l’université de Bordeaux et membres de l’équipe Inserm ACTIVE du centre de recherche Bordeaux Population Health […]

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Posted on : 19 Apr 2022

Premier Happy Hour de la recherche en Pharmacie


Évènement UFR Sciences Pharmaceutiques – 8 Mars 2022 Afin de faire découvrir aux étudiants en pharmacie la diversité de la recherche dans cette spécialité la première édition du Happy Hour de la Recherche 2022 a été organisée en soirée du 8 mars dernier à l’UFR Odontologie. Maitre de conférences et membre de l’équipe AHEAD du […]

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Posted on : 15 Apr 2022

Conference by Vivian VIALLON
from Université Claude Bernard, Lyon
Louis Amphi – Isped


BIOSTATISTICS SEMINAR Weighted analyses of nested case control studies:which variables have to be considered in the computation of weights? 16h Louis Amphi – Isped Campus Carreire – Université de Bordeaux Open to all, in person Speaker: Vivian Viallon from the Université Claude Bernard de Lyon and the International Agency for Research on Cancer (WHO) Former […]

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Les actualités BPH
Posted on : 08 Apr 2022

Exposition solaire professionnelle et santé de la peau et des yeux : le projet EXPOLUX


Le 2 décembre dernier, notre équipe LEHA a lancé le projet EXPOLUX, avec le soutien de la Fondation Bordeaux Université. Bravo aux responsables scientifiques Audrey COUGNARD-GREGOIRE et Cécile DELCOURT. La peau et les yeux sont les principaux organes cibles d’une exposition aigue et prolongée aux rayonnement ultraviolets (UV) solaires. Les affections majeures voire irréversibles touchant […]

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Posted on : 30 Jun 2021

AMD: a blood biomarker to assess diet-related risk


LEHA team in collaboration with INRAE, Jean-Monnet Saint-Etienne University, ITERG, CHU Dijon Bourgogne, CHU de Bordeaux has identified a blood biomarker that predicts the retinal content of omega-3 fatty acids. This biomarker would allow early identification of people at risk of developing AMD, before detection by ophthalmological exams. Once identified, people at risk could receive […]

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Posted on : 25 Jun 2021

What are the benefits of Lutein in the prevention of AMD?


LEHA team has just published in the journal Nutrients the results of a study conducted on the Alienor cohort, reporting a decreased risk of developing AMD in participants with high plasma lutein levels. Nutritional biomarkers could be useful to identify individuals with a deficient nutritional status for AMD. For more information: Inserm press release: […]

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Posted on : 16 Jun 2021

Using Artificial Intelligence to Predict Suicidal Behaviors in Students


How do we predict suicide risk in students? This is a pertinent issue at a time when the harmful effects of the health crisis on student mental health are becoming increasingly apparent and the importance of early detection and management of this risk is well-known. Researchers of our HEALTHY and SISTM teams in collaboration with […]

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Posted on : 22 May 2020

CONFINS – the new study of the HEALTHY team


This collaborative research project focuses on the impact of SRAS-CoV2 and lockdown on mental health in general population and students in France. Launched in April by the HEALTHY team, Kappa Santé and the start-up Kap Code, this e-cohort has already more than 2.700 French participants including over than 1.600 students. The main objective of CONFINS […]

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Posted on : 27 Apr 2020

Launch of the PA-COVID flash survey among aged population – April 2020


While we are all experiencing an exceptional crisis, older people remain the most at risk ones regarding infection and overall epidemic repercussions. So far, few studies have focused on the consequences of such a situation, particularly on the psychological and social consequences of confinement. Our team is urgently launching a survey on 1,000 seniors to […]

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Posted on : 05 Mar 2020

Conference March, 24: Lifecourse mechanisms of later life cognitive function and brain health


This event has been organised by Public Health Department, Bordeaux Population Health – UMR 1219 and ISPED – School of Public Health organised as a Public Health Conference. Tuesday March 24, 2020 – 12 am to 1 pm Amphi Pierre-Alexandre Louis, ISPED Campus Carreire, 146 rue Léo Saignat, 33076 Bordeaux Free entrance, no registration Jennifer […]

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Posted on : 24 Feb 2020

The Sud-Ouest newspaper announced the launch of the Sobeezy Project!


Karine Pérès is co-founder of a the Sobeezy project combining digital technology and a large solidarity network, designed particularly for the elderly to tackle social isolation in maintaining social ties. After a set of tests and a co-construction with a varied panel of users and local partners, Sud-Ouest is echoing the initiative’s next launch in May […]

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Posted on : 18 Feb 2020

Chronic medical conditions in elderly and crash risks – results of Juan Naredo Turrado’s publication in


February 11, presented results from the scientific publication of the Injury epidemiology, transport, occupation IETO team: Naredo Turrado J, Orriols L, Contrand B, et al Chronic medical conditions and their association with crash risk and changes in driving habits: a prospective study of the GAZEL cohort Injury Prevention Published Online First: 15 January 2020. […]

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Posted on : 17 Feb 2020

Conference March 10, 2020 – Sustainable IT and some of its challenges


This event has been organised by the A.C.E group – Action Climate Environment leading by Research and Teaching professionnals since March 2019 working on the Carreire campus of the university of Bordeaux.  Friday March 13, 2020 – 11 am to 12 am Amphi Pierre-Alexandre Louis, ISPED Campus Carreire, 146 rue Léo Saignat, 33076 Bordeaux Free […]

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Posted on : 12 Feb 2020

Bayesian sparsity for statistical learning in high dimensions: applications to medical imaging


free entrance, no registration   This event has been organised by Bordeaux Population Health – UMR 1219 and the Public Health Department of the university of Bordeaux.   Speaker: Charles Bouveyron  (   Abstract: Although the ongoing digital revolution in fields such as chemometrics, genomics or personalized medicine gives hope […]

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