Publications U1219 – December 2024
RetourAbrantes N, Pereira JL, Gonzalez A-BM, Campos I, Navarro I, de la Torre A, Martinez MA, Osman R, Khurshid C, Harkes P, Lwanga EH, Alcon F, Contreras J, Baldi I, Bureau M, et al. Towards a comprehensive methodology for ecotoxicological assessment: Prioritizing plant protection products for mixture testing in edge-of-field surface waterbodies. Sci Total Environ. 2024;956:177322.
Albert M, Galey L, Judon N, Charbonneau A, Garrigou A. Design and regulation as a chain of determinants in the emergence of pesticide exposure situations during the use of sprayers. Ergonomics. 2024:1-16.
Antoniussen CS, Proust-Lima C, Ibsen DB, Olsen A, Overvad K, Tjonneland A, Ferrari P, Dahm CC. Alcohol consumption trajectories and risk of breast cancer among postmenopausal women: a Danish cohort study. Eur J Epidemiol. 2024;39(12):1353-62.
Bailhache M, El-Khoury F, Leproux O, Chazelas E, Gomajee R, Van Der Waerden J, Galera C, Charles MA, Melchior M. Psychological intimate partner violence, child witnessing of parental arguments, and emotional-behavioral outcomes in five-years old: The French ELFE cohort. Child Abuse Negl. 2024;160:107185.
Ballif M, Braun D, Calmy A, Bernasconi E, Cavassini M, Tissot F, Stoeckle M, Schmid P, Fux CA, Van der Valk M, Brinkman K, Mudrikova T, Bonnet F, Leleux O, et al. Booster-free anti-retroviral therapy for persons living with HIV and multidrug resistance (B-Free): protocol for a multicentre, multistage, randomised, controlled, non-inferiority trial. Bmj Open. 2024;14(11):e094912.
Beduchaud L, Celingant E, Faure C, Meunier M, Blanco-Cazeaux I. Do international medical graduates’ recruitment policies help to overcome healthcare shortage areas in developed countries? A systematic review. Health Policy. 2024;150:105190.
Berdai D, Guerin A, Perol D, Girault C, Molimard M, Amiel P, Beaussier H, Bertoye P-H, Cornu C, Deplanque D, Dreyfuss D, Duchossoy L, Fouret C, Haaser T, Le Louarn A, Rifai S, Thierry J-P. Ethics and clinical research: How can the Ethics Committees (CPPs) and Committees for Research Ethics (CER) evolve? Therapie. 2024.
Bigeard C, Pezzi L, Klitting R, Ayhan N, L’Ambert G, Gomez N, Piorkowski G, Amaral R, Durand GA, Colmant AMG, Giraud C, Ramiara K, Migné C, Grard G, Touzet T, Zientara S, Charrel R, Gonzalez G, Duvignaud A, Malvy D, de Lamballerie X, Fontaine A. Molecular Xenomonitoring (MX) allows real-time surveillance of West Nile and Usutu virus in mosquito populations. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2024;18(12):e0012754.
Billette de Villemeur A, Hoen B, Billaud E, Deruelle P, Goueslard K, Halley des Fontaines V, Minodier P, Parent B, Pozzetto B, Revest M, Salmi L-R. Current evidence gaps to support systematic cytomegalovirus screening in pregnancy. EClinicalMedicine. 2024;78:102941.
Bitty-Anderson AM, Bakoubayi AW, Gbeasor-Komlanvi FA, Sadio AJ, Coffie PA, Ekouevi DK. Gynecological health care services utilization and violence among female sex workers in Togo in 2021. Reprod Health. 2024;21(1):160.
Boulefaa D, Bagheri H, Salvo F, Rabier M-B, Geniaux H, Lepelley M, Rocher F, Mahe J, Grandvillemuin A, Thai-Van H. Early Detection of Hearing Impairment Signals Post-mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination: A Disproportionality Analysis Study on French Pharmacovigilance Database. Drug Saf. 2024.
Brachet M, Charriere S, Douillard C, Feillet F, Fouilhoux A, Astudillo L, Lavigne C, Arnoux J-B, Odent S, Gay C, Schiff M, Mazodier K, Kuster A, Rigalleau V, Thauvin-Robinet C, Leguy-Seguin V, Gissot V, Maillot F. Neuropsychological profile of French adults with early-treated phenylketonuria: a multicenter study. J Neurol. 2024;272(1):53.
Cassoudesalle H, Poisson P, Dehail P. Les têtes répétées au football : pourquoi et comment protéger le cerveau ? Bull Acad Natl Med. 2024;208(9):1214-20.
Cieslak J, Hallil H, Levi T, Pêcher A, Renaud S, Blanchard, Gucik-Derigny D, Drochon A, Morin D, Garrigou A, Gil-Jardiné C, Lopes P, Corre J, Garisoain L, Faurie L, Bos F, Bénéjat M, editors. Feedback on a cross-curricular health technology teaching for undergraduate students at the Bordeaux Institute of Technology. 4th IFAC Workshop on Internet Based Control Education (IBCE); 2024 Sep 18-20; Ghent, BELGIUM2024.
Colomb-Cotinat M, Jouzeau A, Pedrono G, Chabaud A, Martin C, Poujol I, Maugat S, Dugravot L, Dumartin C, Berger-Carbonne A, Simon L, Dortet L. Estimating the number and incidence of carbapenemase-producing Enterobacterales infections in France in 2020: A capture-recapture study. Infect Dis Now. 2024;55(1):105016.
Crommelynck S, Grandvuillemin A, Ferard C, Mounier C, Gault N, Pierron E, Jacquot B, Vaillant T, Chatelet IPd, Jacquet A, Salvo F, Alt M, Bagheri H, Micallef J, Pariente A, et al. FRP. The enhanced national pharmacovigilance system implemented for COVID-19 vaccines in France: A 2-year experience report. Therapie. 2024.
de Waal R, Wools-Kaloustian K, Brazier E, Althoff KN, Jaquet A, Duda SN, Kumarasamy N, Savory T, Byakwaga H, Murenzi G, Justice A, Ekouevi DK, et al. Global trends in CD4 count measurement and distribution at first antiretroviral treatment initiation. Clin Infect Dis. 2024.
Di Meglio F, Lhomme E, Ouedraogo HG, Barry AM, Doumbia S, Faye SL, Mbawah AK, Sagna T, Tounkara M, Strauss R, Doumbia CO, Diouf S, Cisse K, May J, Puradiredja DI, Fusco D. Variations in COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy over time: a serial cross-sectional study in five West African countries. BMJ Open. 2024;14(11):e083766.
Fusaroli M, Salvo F, Khouri C, Raschi E. The reporting of disproportionality analysis in pharmacovigilance: spotlight on the READUS-PV guideline. Front Pharmacol. 2024;15:1488725.
Gabet A, Bonaldi C, Grave C, Joly P, Dufour L, Andler R, Nguyen-Thanh V, Quatremere G, Blacher J, Olie V. Impact du dépassement des repères de consommation d’alcool à moindre risque sur l’hypertension artérielle en France métropolitaine, 2014-2016. Bull Epidemiol Hebdo. 2024(9):178-85.
Galey L, Albert M, Goutille F, Fredj J, Nascimento A, Jolly C, Garrigou A. Prévention construite en agriculture : contribution de l’ergotoxicologie à partir de trois recherches‑actions. Activités. 2024;21(2).
Garrouste C, Freist M, Prezelin-Reydit M, Bouquegneau A, Fournier T, Schvartz B, Thierry A, Sanson VP, Mayet V, Pereira B, Mariat C. Gestion du traitement immunosuppresseur après arrêt fonctionnel du greffon rénal : résultats d’une enquête de pratique parmi les néphrologues francophones Nephrol Ther. 2024;20(3):193-202.
Gautier S, Hammarlin M-M, Paulik E, Montagni I, Mueller JE, Vaux S, Luyt D, Hausman BL, Bosman A, Dinh A, Josseran L, Bennet L, Delarocque-Astagneau E. New pedagogical tools for vaccine education: preparing future healthcare workers for the next pandemic. BMC Med Educ. 2024;24(1):1314.
Grave C, Bonaldi C, Carcaillon-Bentata L, Gabet A, Halimi J-M, Tzourio C, Bejot Y, Torres MJ, Steg PG, Durand Zaleski I, Blacher J, Olie V. Burden of Cardio-Cerebrovascular and Renal Diseases Attributable to Systolic Hypertension in France in 2021. Hypertension. 2024.
Jurgens SJ, Ramo JT, Kramarenko DR, Wijdeveld LFJM, Haas J, Chaffin MD, Garnier S, Gaziano L, Weng L-C, Lipov A, Zheng SL, Henry A, Huffman JE, Challa S, Ruhle F, Verdugo CD, Krijger Juarez C, Kany S, van Orsouw CA, Biddinger K, Poel E, Elliott AL, Wang X, Francis C, Ruan R, Koyama S, Beekman L, Zimmerman DS, Deleuze J-F, Villard E, Tregouet D-A, et al. Genome-wide association study reveals mechanisms underlying dilated cardiomyopathy and myocardial resilience. Nat Genet. 2024;56(12):2636-45.
Kervran C, Francis-Oliviero F, Kret M, Burtin A, Ratel R, Clet E, Collin F, Martiren S, Brandet C, Martin-Fernandez J, Perrin S, Monin C, Cambon L, Auriacombe M, Sentilhes L, Alla F, A Quit- N. Group. Effectiveness evaluation of an organisational intervention, targeting pregnancy and addiction care professionals, among women who have just given birth in maternity wards and smoked tobacco during pregnancy (5A-QUIT-N): study protocol for a stepped-wedge cluster randomised trial. BMJ Open. 2024;14(11):e087541.
Korompoki E, Heuschmann P, Harvey KH, Fiessler C, Malzahn U, Hugen K, Ullmann S, Todd GP, Schuhmann C, Montaner J, Sibon I, Debette S, et al. Prevention of Stroke in Intracerebral Haemorrhage Survivors with Atrial Fibrillation: Rationale and Design for PRESTIGE-AF Trial. Thromb Haemost. 2024.
Krier D, Le Goff M, Helmer C, Wittwer J. Mortality in Newly Admitted Nursing Home Older Adults with Dementia in France: A Post Hoc Analysis from an Observational Study in the Bordeaux Region. Geriatrics (Basel). 2024;9(6).
Kunkel A, Alioum A, Cazein F, Lot F. Part des contaminations après l’arrivée en France parmi les personnes nées à l’étranger découvrant leur infection à VIH, France, 2012-2022. Bull Epidemiol Hebdo. 2024(23-24):542-8.
Lalanne L, Davalos JR, Audran M, Hamelin N, Chauvin C, Briand-Madrid L, Kervran C, Kirchherr S, Auriacombe M, Roux P, Jauffret-Roustide M, Cosinus Study G. Medications for Opioid Use Disorder in People Who Inject Substances: Reflection on the Potential Place of Morphine Sulfate as Substitution Treatment? Results of COSINUS Cohort Study. Subst Use Misuse. 2024.
Le Borgne J, Gomez L, Heikkinen S, Amin N, Ahmad S, Choi SH, Bis J, […], Dufouil C, Pasquier F, Hanon O, Debette S, et al. X-chromosome-wide association study for Alzheimer’s disease. Mol Psychiatry. 2024.
Loewenstein A, Sylvanowicz M, Amoaku WM, Aslam T, Cheung CMG, Eldem B, Finger RP, Gale RP, Kodjikian L, Koh A, Korobelnik J-F, Lin X, Mitchell P, Murphy M, Okada M, Pearce I, Rodriguez FJ, Stern J, Talks SJ, Wong DT, Wong TY, Ziemssen F, Barratt J. Global Insights from Patients, Providers, and Staff on Challenges and Solutions in Managing Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration. Ophthalmol Ther. 2024.
Lucas L, Georget A, Rouxel L, Briau P, Couture M, Liegey JS, Debruxelles S, Poli M, Sagnier S, Renou P, Olindo S, Rouanet F, Maurin X, Benard A, Sibon I. Remote neurological evaluation reliably identifies patients eligible to endovascular therapy while non-eligible to intravenous thrombolysis. Rev Neurol (Paris). 2024;180(10):1108-16.
Navarro MC, Galesne C, Bailhache M, Moulin F, Davisse C, Falissard B, Vandentorren S, Warszawski J, Vuillermoz C, Descarpenty A, Melchior M, Rouquette A, Galera C. Adolescents’ Depression Symptoms After Social Distancing and Restrictions: The EpiCoV French Longitudinal Population-Based Cohort. J Adolesc Health. 2024;75(6):921-8.
Neuffer J, Samieri C. Un meilleur mode de vie est associé à un moindre risque de démence et un moindre déclin cognitif quelle que soit la susceptibilité génétique pour la maladie d’Alzheimer. Med Sci (Paris). 2024;40(12):988-90.
Niangoran S, Barbieri A, Badje A, Journot V, Kouame G, Marcy O, Anglaret X, Alioum A. A New Centralized Statistical Monitoring Method for Detecting Atypical Distribution of Qualitative Variables in Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trials. Stat Biopharm Res. 2024:1-9.
Ouedraogo I, Some BMJ, Benedikter R, Diallo G. Health and eHealth Literacy of Patients With Diabetes in Low-Income Countries: Perspective From Guinea and Burkina Faso. JMIR Diabetes. 2024;9:e55677.
Patel Y, Shin J, Sliz E, Tang A, Mishra A, Xia R, Hofer E, Rajula HSR, Wang R, Beyer F, Horn K, Riedl M, Yu J, Volzke H, Bulow R, Volker U, Frenzel S, Wittfeld K, Van der Auwera S, Mosley TH, Bouteloup V, Lambert J-C, Chene G, Dufouil C, Tzourio C, […], Debette S, et al. Genetic risk factors underlying white matter hyperintensities and cortical atrophy. Nat Commun. 2024;15(1):9517.
Perrin S, Fillol A, Moriceau S, Le Tirant L, Allache A, Serre F, Stevens N, Auriacombe M, Cambon L, Martin-Fernandez J. Exploring and describing alcohol harm reduction interventions: a scoping review of literature from the past decade in the western world. Harm Reduct J. 2024;21(1):207.
Rigalleau V, Pucheux Y, Couffinhal T, Tessier FJ, Howsam M, Rubin S, Helmer C, Alkhami F, Larroumet A, Blanco L, Barbet-Massin M-A, Ferriere A, Mohammedi K, Foussard N. Skin autofluorescence of advanced glycation end-products, glycemic memory, and diabetes complications. Diabetes Metab. 2024;51(1):101600.
Schwartz A, Navarro MC, Salamon R. A 10-year Longitudinal Study: The Relationship between Adverse Childhood Experiences, Mental Health Indicators, and Binge Eating Symptoms among Emerging Adults. Child Psychiatry Hum Dev. 2024.
Soeiro T, Allouchery M, Bene J, Bezin J, Dolladille C, Faillie J-L, Grimaldi L, Kaguelidou F, Khouri C, Lafaurie M, Largeau B, Montastruc F, Morin L, Scailteux L-M, Pariente A, Group. SPW. Shaping the future of pharmacoepidemiology in France: Recommendations from the SFPT Pharmacoepidemiology Working Group. Therapie. 2024.
Suchon P, Soukarieh O, Bernard C, Mariotti A, Ernest V, Barthet M-C, Saut N, Theron A, Biron-Andreani C, Daniel MY, Catella J, Rohrlich P-S, Blanc-Jouvan F, Le Cam Duchez V, Dari L, Tregouet D-A, Morange P-E. Assessment of a next generation sequencing gene panel strategy in 133 patients with negative thrombophilia screening. J Thromb Haemost. 2024.
Tartaglia M, Costet N, Audignon-Durand S, Carles C, Descatha A, Falkstedt D, Houot M-T, Kjellberg K, Pilorget C, Roeleveld N, Siemiatycki J, Turner MC, Turuban M, Uuksulainen S, Dufourg MN, Garlantezec R, Delva F. Profiles of the maternal occupational exposome during pregnancy and associations with intrauterine growth: Analysis of the French Longitudinal Study of Children – ELFE study. Environ Res. 2024;267:120669.
Tartaglia M, Froeliger A, Delva F, Madar H, Bouchghoul H, Deneux-Tharaux C, Sentilhes L, group Ts. Prevalence and risk factors of maternal dissatisfaction after vaginal delivery: A multicenter prospective study. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2024.
Tiendrebeogo T, Malateste K, Poda A, Minga A, Lahiri CD, Ezechi O, Ekouevi DK, Ofotokun I, Jaquet A, Collaborat. IWA. Impact of switching to a dolutegravir-based regimen on body weight changes: insights from West African adult HIV cohorts. J Int AIDS Soc. 2024;27(12):e26371.
Tiwari S, Chaturvedi S, Kaul A, Choudhary V, Barthelemy P, Mishra AK. Development of amphiphilic self-assembled nucleolipid as BBB targeting probe based on SPECT. Discov Nano. 2024;19(1):210.
Valayer S, Alexandre M, Prague M, Beavogui AH, Doumbia S, Kieh M, Greenwood B, Leigh B, Poupelin M, Schwimmer C, Sow SO, Berry IM, Kuhn JH, Fusco D, Cauwelaert ND, Watson-Jones D, Thiebaut R, Levy Y, Yazdanpanah Y, Richert L, Lhomme E, Prevac Study Team. Evaluation of waning of IgG antibody responses after rVSVDeltaG-ZEBOV-GP and Ad26.ZEBOV, MVA-BN-Filo Ebola virus disease vaccines: a modelling study from the PREVAC randomized trial. Emerg Microbes Infect. 2025;14(1):2432353.
Viermyr H-K, Tonby K, Ponzi E, Trouillet-Assant S, Poissy J, Arribas JR, Dyon-Tafani V, Bouscambert-Duchamp M, Assoumou L, Halvorsen B, Tekin NB, Diallo A, De Gastines L, Munthe LA, Murphy SL, Ueland T, Michelsen AE, Lund-Johansen F, Aukrust P, Mootien J, Dervieux B, Zerbib Y, Richard J-C, Prevel R, Malvy D, Timsit J-F, Peiffer-Smadja N, Roux D, Piroth L, Ait-Oufella H, Vieira C, Dalgard O, Heggelund L, Muller KE, Moller JH, Kildal AB, Skogen V, Aballi S, Sjoberg Ogaard JD, Dyrhol-Riise AM, Tveita A, Alirezaylavasani A, Costagliola D, Yazdanpanah Y, Olsen IC, Dahl TB, Kared H, Holten AR, Troseid M. Safety of baricitinib in vaccinated patients with severe and critical COVID-19 sub study of the randomised Bari-SolidAct trial. EBioMedicine. 2024;111:105511.
Vincent Y-M, Daron A, Harper L, Joseph J-P, Giguere A, Blot F, Moumjid N, Niroumand Sarvandani M. Do a Clinical Practice Guideline Facilitate Shared Decision‐Making? Development of a French Assessment Tool Using the Delphi Consensus Method. Health & Social Care in the Community. 2024;2024(1).
Zheng SL, Henry A, Cannie D, Lee M, Miller D, McGurk KA, […], Tregouet D-A, Treibel TA, Ullum H, Valdes AM, van Setten J, van Vugt M, Veluchamy A, Verschuren WMM, Villard E, Yang Y, Asselbergs FW, Cappola TP, Dube M-P, Dunn ME, Ellinor PT, Hingorani AD, Lang CC, Samani NJ, Shah SH, Smith JG, Vasan RS, O’Regan DP, Holm H, Noseda M, Wells Q, Ware JS, Lumbers RT. Genome-wide association analysis provides insights into the molecular etiology of dilated cardiomyopathy. Nat Genet. 2024;56(12):2646-58.
Ziemssen F, Sylvanowicz M, Amoaku WM, Aslam T, Eldem B, Finger RP, Gale RP, Kodjikian L, Korobelnik J-F, Lin X, Loewenstein A, Mitchell P, Murphy M, Owens DR, Parker N, Pearce I, Rodriguez FJ, Stern J, Talks SJ, Wong DT, Wong TY, Barratt J. Improving Clinical Management of Diabetic Macular Edema: Insights from a Global Survey of Patients, Healthcare Providers, and Clinic Staff. Ophthalmol Ther. 2024.