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Publié le : 18 Sep 2017

TB-Speed project against childhood tuberculosis

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Coordinated by the IDLIC team of the Bordeaux Population Health Research Centre, the TB-Speed project of University of Bordeaux intends to reduce childhood tuberculosis (TB) in Africa and Asia by enhancing case finding and facilitating access to treatment. The project is supported by Unitaid for an amount of 14,670,470 USD and by the 5% Initiative […]

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Publié le : 13 Sep 2017

09-27-2017 / 17h-18h00 — « Spin » in reporting biomedical research


Pr Patrick M. BossuytProfessor of clinical epidemiology, Dept Clinical Epidemiology, Biostatistics, BioinformaticsAcademic Medical center, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands

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Publié le : 28 Août 2017

09-14-2017 / 13h00-14h00 — The causal effect of educational attainment on alzheimer’s disease, a two-sample mendelian randomization study


Dr Emma Anderson, BSc, PhDReasearch fellow / Integrative epidemiology unit, School of social and community medicine, University of Bristol, UK.

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Publié le : 21 Juil 2017

Study from IETO and SISTM teams – Road Safety: Increased risk of highway accident in pedestrians using some drugs

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A scientific article published in the journal PLOS Medicine shows for the first time that some drugs increase the risk of accidents for pedestrians. This study, carried out by the Injury epidemiology transport, occupation  team, in collaboration with the Statistics in systems biology and for translational medicine team at the INSERM U1219 center, was made […]

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Publié le : 14 Juin 2017

The International Summer School of Bordeaux school of public health July 3-11, 2017


The International Summer School of Bordeaux school of public health provides short courses covering topics around population health studies. The program will be held from July 3rd  to July 11th  2017 in Bordeaux, France. It covers important and innovative methodological aspects of population health studies and their communication, through formal lectures and practical demonstrations. The […]

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Publié le : 07 Juin 2017

The Christophe Mérieux 2017 Prize was awarded jointly to Serge Eholie and Xavier Anglaret U1219

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This prize has been awarded annually since 2005 by a scientific jury composed of members of the Académie des Sciences as part of the « Grands Prix des Fondations de l’Institut de France ». He is promoted by the Christophe and Rodolphe Mérieux Foundation, and rewards scientists who have distinguished themselves in research on infectious diseases in […]

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Publié le : 30 Mai 2017

Bordeaux Population Health will receive Prof. Paul Matthews, Imperial College London 13.06.2017, ISPED


Bordeaux Population Health Center invites Prof. Paul Matthews, Imperial College London who will present « Large Scale Population Imaging: Lessons from the UK Biobank Experience » on June 13, 14:30, ISPED Public Health School in Bordeaux. Paul Matthews, OBE, MD, DPhil, FRCP, FMedSci is Head of the Division of Brain Sciences in the Department of Medicine of […]

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Publié le : 19 Mai 2017

Vitamin D, a New Avenue in the Prevention of Alzheimer’s Disease?

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Known to be a possible cause of several chronic diseases, vitamin D deficiency is also suspected to lead to a high risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, especially where the diet is also poor in ‘good fats’ and antioxidant carotenoids. This is what two studies led by Catherine Féart and Cécilia Samieri, researchers at Inserm unit […]

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Publié le : 10 Mai 2017

Expert opinion on the evolution of public discourse on alcohol consumption in France

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Catherine Feart, research scientist U1219 Bordeaux Population Health of the LEHA team is one of the 8 experts, mandated by Santé Public France and the Institut national du cancer (Inca) Which issued a notice published on May 4, 2017 advocating to scale the references of alcohol consumption down in France. The working group was led […]

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Publié le : 26 Avr 2017

Rodolphe Thiébaut, U1219 Deputy Director has been appointed to the Inserm Scientific Board

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Prof. Rodolphe Thiébaut, Deputy Director of the Bordeaux Population Health U1219 research center, has been appointed to the Inserm Scientific Board and will contribute to the Institute’s policy and to the development of medical research and life sciences and health.

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Publié le : 22 Avr 2017

05-05-2017 / 11h30-12h30 — Global Health and the Sustainable Development Goals


Pr Andrea Sylvia WINKLERProfessor, Institute of Health and Society Helsam Common scientific activities (HELSAMCSA) – University of Oslo

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Publié le : 14 Avr 2017

Camille Ouvrard, U1219, 3rd place in the « My thesis in 180 seconds » regional final

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Member of the U1219 team « Psychoepidemiology of Aging and Chronic Diseases », the PhD candidate received the 3rd Prize of the Jury in the final of the Aquitaine Region of the competition « My thesis in 180 seconds » with the subject: « Precariousness, Cognitive aging and frailty: an epidemiological approach « . Camille Ouvrard was a competitor among the […]

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Publié le : 28 Fév 2017

International sympozium 03.14.2017


How to Support the Development of Health and Prosperity in the Next Generation: Challenges and Opportunities from an Interdisciplinary and International PerspectiveOrganised by : Prof Sylvana Côté, CR1 Inserm, Centre BPH, Chaire Idex, Université de Bordeaux Tuesday, march 14th, 2017, 16h-18h, amphitheatre Louis, ISPED (university of Bordeaux, Carreire area).   Programm  

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Publié le : 14 Fév 2017

03-24-17 / 11h30-12h30 — From pregnancy until age 5: Testing the effectiveness of early intervention in an Irish setting


Invited by Christophe Tzourio, team HEALTHY, head of BPH U1219 centre.

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Publié le : 14 Fév 2017

03-10-2017 / 11h30-12h30 — Recent Advances in Group-Based Trajectory Modeling


Pr Daniel NAGINProfessor, Heinz College of Public Policy, Carnegie Mellon University,United States

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